Effective tips for decorating your new home on a budget

Our environment and atmosphere determine the way we think and function. It also has a significant effect on our mood.

Imagine waking up to a clean and decluttered house, drinking a cup of coffee by the window, cooking in a well-organised kitchen, sitting on your work chair and delivering the best output possible- and all this is possible on a budget. Doesn’t the sound of this excite you itself?

Even though you’re on a budget, it is very important to create a positive, welcoming, and homely environment in your house, not just for your guests but, most importantly, for you!

Ashwin Sheth Group brings to you various effective tips for decorating your new home on a budget while making it a place you always feel like coming back to at the end of the day.

Plan. Strategise. Prioritise.

To achieve anything, one must always create a plan of action to ensure that everything is going smoothly and in the right direction. In order to do this, one must invest enough time to prepare a checklist that will help in bifurcating the things that have been achieved and the ones that are yet to be completed.
Strategising the plan is an essential process that can’t be skipped. If one fails to strategise on the execution of the plan, they will be moving in circles and wasting precious time, energy, and effort.
If there is a budget involved, prioritising is a crucial process that one must follow. Everything may seem important at first, but as you tick things off your checklist, you will realise that some items may not be as important at this stage as it seemed while you were planning and strategising.

It’s always best to recycle

Recycling old items is the easiest and best way to decorate a house when you’re on a budget. Redecorating doesn’t mean that you need to completely get rid of old items and overspend on new purchases.
You can simply spruce things up a bit by giving old items a new look. You can simply work your DIY charm by painting or bejewelling the items. If you’re feeling a little more enthusiastic, you can break it down and build it up differently.
Trust me when I say this; creating something on your own for your go-to place brings about a different feeling altogether and is indescribable.

Always start cheap

In order to decorate on a budget, it is highly advisable that you start cheap. You would rather spend your budget redecorating the entire house than exhausting it on a few expensive items, right?
You can try out your nearby second-hand furniture market or budget-friendly mass-produced furniture outlets like IKEA.
This not only gives you the bandwidth to purchase more items, but it also gives you the option to choose from a wide variety of products. No matter what your theme may be vintage, traditional, or modern- you will always find something interesting if you choose to go for refurbished items.

Go green

Plants give life to your home!

It is the most cost-effective decor item you could invest in for your new home. A little bit of green instantly beautifies the place while creating a cosy, homely, bright atmosphere.

The plus point to adding plants is that it keeps you healthy and happy.

If you think you can’t be the best plant mom/dad, adding faux plants to your decor is always an option. They may not have an effect on your health directly, but their beauty will leave you in awe of them.

Glam it up

You want to buy affordable items, but you also want to create a rich look. This is a task that requires you to use your creativity and imagination. Invest in standing lamps, hanging lamps, fairy lights, and any other beautiful lighting you can find.

Glam up all the rooms in your house by adding yellow light to the room.

Look for hanging lamps created with painted glass and place those in the common areas to set a vibe for your evening parties.

Create a memory wall

The most beautiful and authentic decor item, in my opinion, is definitely a memory wall. In your lifetime, you witness several changes, but your house remains the same. With this decor item, you can relive all the good memories every time you look at it.

With the cute wooden clips, you can clip a number of images to fairy lights and paste them on the wall that usually gets the most attention.

All your important milestones and memories can be right in front of your eyes forever.

Fragrances lift up your spirits

If you still have money left in your budget, make your house a tad bit more decorative by adding scented candles to different corners of your home.

Fragrances have proven to lift spirits when they’re down and have a positive effect on your mood.

Moreover, they add a sense of beauty to a simple table in the corner and are the best and cheapest decor items that always create a welcoming atmosphere.

Apart from candles that add beauty to a set-up, you can also purchase a diffuser that has more to do with fragrances than beauty.

The fragrances that have proven to lift spirits include:

  • Lavender
  • Peppermint
  • Rosemary
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lemon

Remember, if you have some unticked boxes in your checklist and you think your house looks perfect the way it is, you need not spend more to simply tick all the boxes.

Decorating your house is a fun and exciting task but is also a financial burden on you. If your budget does not permit you to purchase something, you can always find a similar item that is much cheaper in comparison. Enjoy this time with your partner, roommate, or family and create great memories that will last a lifetime.

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